Microbiology - Bruker - Software and Consumables - Bruker MBT Fungi library

Bruker MBT Fungi library


In the development of the strain database, filamentous particles have been ignored after the priority of bacteria. In the process of bacterial database becoming more and more complete, Bruker began to update the Fungi (filamentary scale) database in 2017. Currently, In the database, 62 bacterial genera  can be identified, which has greatly improved compared with the previous state. Because the identification of filamentous morphology is currently based on comparison of microscope observations and maps, the identification work relies heavily on the assistance of experienced and experienced colleagues. A completely scientific standard identification process. In addition to human arrangements, inheritance and training In addition, it sometimes faces subjectivity and objectivity in appraisal. If MALDI TOF method can be used for appraisal, it will solve the shortage of manpower and more accurate scientific appraisal.

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